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Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015

LINE→@WOWFAKTA←Pake@ tweeted: Faktagram hari ini adalah #tahukahkamu #tahukahanda #wowfakta #fakta #faktanya #wow via IG

Faktagram hari ini adalah #tahukahkamu #tahukahanda #wowfakta #fakta #faktanya #wow via IG ift.tt/1hG4lWA
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RT @VIVAbola: Kembali Cetak Gol, Van Gaal Salut dengan Mentalitas Rooney dlvr.it/BzFMkf
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Dimanapun kamu berada, aku akan selalu mendoakan yang terbaik buat kamu : )
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Nasehat Super
Jangan pernah merasa diri Anda tak cukup baik, karena bagi seseorang, Anda adalah yang terbaik.
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Bos Brodo: Berhenti Berinovasi, Bisnis Kita Habis detik.id/69ESHS via @detikfinance pic.twitter.com/wuy9rWGlSV
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raditya dika
Orang kalau lagi di depan gebetannya pasti akan 1) banyak ngomong atau 2) banyak diam. Kamu termasuk yg mana?
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Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

[New post] New Themes: Colinear and Franklin

Ernesto Méndez posted: "On this Theme Thursday, we have two new free themes for you: Colinear and Franklin. Colinear Colinear -- our update to the older Coraline -- is a squeaky-clean theme featuring a custom menu, header, background, and layout. Colinear supports featured i"

How to create a social media calendar. You’ll thank us for it later.

Your social content calendar

Creating and publishing great content can be a lot of work, so you need to get organized and figure out a schedule that works for your business and has maximum impact. When you’ve got a content calendar you can commit to, social media marketing becomes a lot less daunting. It can also improve your chances of success exponentially. Here are 5 problems a social media calendar can solve.

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Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

[New post] Introducing: Our New Action Bar

Andy Peatling posted: "We strive to make all aspects of using WordPress.com streamlined and intuitive, from following a great new blog to editing a post on the go. Today, we're happy to present the new action bar, which allows you to do all this (and more) no matter what device"